Please don't get me wrong, i'm all for trying new things and doing your best but there comes a point where you realise you have to prioritise certain aspects of your life, and by saying yes to everything and everyone you are actually burdening yourself and putting at risk the quality of your other responsibilities.
I have recently realised this. I am a do-er and I hate the thought of not being busy, I hate laziness and I hate failing (extreme I know). Recently I was taking on too much, by agreeing to everything thrown at me and signing up for more off my own back. You could say I got a bit carried away, and in all honesty I did, my hunger for success took over and it made me neglect the actual work I was doing. By doing so much it meant that not everything could be done justice.
This is where saying 'no' comes in, as I am new to this whole concept of being offered things I thought I had to agree to everything, I had to do everything. A opportunity would come up, I'd have to take it - otherwise i'd failed. Wrong. It's took me a good few months to realise it but - you don't need to do everything, you don't need to be everything.
Saying 'no' doesn't mean you've failed, it means you can prioritise aspects of your life - you can distinguish between a good opportunity and a great opportunity. Saying 'no' means you can make decisions, it means you can understand and weigh up issues, positives and negatives. Saying 'no' allows you to understand yourself, your feelings and your abilities.
Even though i'm all for saying 'yes' to things that are going to better you as a person, saying 'yes' to adventures and once in a life time chances, but sometimes saying 'no' is just as important as saying 'yes'.
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