First day at Uni! Lots of induction talks / health & safety / student services etc. Lots of new faces, new places. All in all an exciting day, the course i'm doing is so interesting and cool that I cannot wait to get started. In the afternoon we were put into groups where we were to create a hashtag for twitter, and over the course of the week travel around the city in our groups and take selfies at good media spots where a media event could take place, so for example a photo-shoot, music festival or where a journalism story could come from. After taking the selfie, we have to upload the picture to twitter using the hashtag our group created and then explain why we chose this place and what media event could take place here. My groups hashtag is #ExploringBrum so if you wanted to check out our selfies then you can go ahead and look that up!
Today was the first dreaded 9am lecture! After dragging myself out of bed at 6am, I had a cup of tea and perked up. The lecture was an introduction to the outline of the course, what's expected of us etc etc. After this I had to wait around for an hour and then meet the rest of my group who I was put into yesterday in order to look around the city for media hot spots and places where the media events or something could take place. To kill time until 2 o clock which was when the next lecture type intro thing was me and the rest of my group went for a cheeky maccies (although I promised myself to eat healthy this week, damn). After the IT talk had finished I had to kill another couple of hours (annoying, I know) so me and some of the friends I had made just went on a little explore of the Uni and went to see the Radio studios where the Student Radio Station is held as a lot of us were interested in joining that, after that we sat on the grass in the sun until each of our personal tutor sessions. Mine wasn't until 4 o clock. It lasted under 10 minutes and was a little pointless, which was annoying considering I waited around to go to it.

Today was the 'Freshers Fayre' at Uni, I got there about half 1 and was straight away bombarded with information leaflets, tickets, and free pens! We walked around the different stall type things and weren't really interested in much. As I am commuting into Uni I don't really fancy joining a sports team as the training is like twice a week and normally at night time. The only society/group I was keen to look at was the Media groups, I signed up to the Student TV and Radio stations as well as the Student magazine. After that, we went outside and were looking at all the fun stuff going on, there was bubble football, bouncy castles, mini-golf and loads more of fun activities. There was also dominos there doing pizza's for £1! The que was absolutely huge and there was no way I was going to stand in it, but everyone else seemed to want to haha! I'm really excited to get involved in the student magazine as that's ultimately what I want to do when I leave Uni!
Today I had to go into Uni to enrol, I had to take with me my passport as well as my GCSE certificates & A-level certificates (in the end they didn't even need to look at these haha annoying as I spent ages looking for the and carried them round). I was a little early, well an hour early actually, I still haven't got this whole commuting time schedule right, as I was early I went to Starbucks and had a hot chocolate then met my friend and we went in early anyway in the hope they'd see us so we could go home. We were allowed to go in early, which meant i'd spent an hour travelling in order to be in Uni for a whole 5 minutes haha fab. Oh well, I am now officially a student and I have my card to prove it and also to let me in to the toilets (important) haha ! This is the end of my induction week and teaching starts on Monday, and i'm really looking forward to it. This week has been exciting but also a little tedious as there was a lot of waiting around and a lot of information to attempt to remember. But I have enjoyed it and am keen to get stuck into the course now!
Hope you've liked reading about my first week and if you'd like more lifestyle posts like this then let me know and i'll try and do some more lifestyle/weekly posts !
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