Saturday, 20 February 2016

Tidy space, tidy mind

I am a huge believer in tidy space, tidy mind. If things around me are organised then I feel happier, calmer and like I can give things a good go. As a bit of an organisational freak, I thought I’d but together my five tips for getting and staying organised.

1)    Keep writing lists

Lists are my life, whether it be a to-do list for the day(or week), a list of what I need from boots or a list of when my assignments are due in at Uni - whatever it is, I’ll have a list for it. Lists help me remember everything that needs doing so that nothing can slip under the radar and get forgotten about. It also helps to differentiate what’s important and what can wait. When noting your to-do list, I would add to each point with what needs doing to achieve that point, example: ‘Contact companies for work experience’ firstly, you will need to think of what companies you want to work with, you will then need to find there contact details, double check your CV and tailor it to each company, and then create a cover letter before drafting and sending an email. This way, you can clearly see what needs doing and feel better about starting to work on it with structured things that need doing.

2)    Storage – whether it be make-up, work desk or even your wardrobe

I think storage is a big thing, having enough space to see everything as well as having a structure to it so you know where things are, so for example; my make-up is separated by products e.g. face products have their own draw. Then, my work is separated by what needs doing, what needs to be filed away, as well as assignment briefs/previous work with feedback to refer back to. With having structure to your organisation it means that you know exactly where everything is and you can easily see where everything is along with what you need, it helps me focus.

3)    Calendars

Writing things down is the best way to know what you’re doing, for me personally I’d rather use a little diary and a calendar on my bedroom wall than use my iPhone calendar(I know I need to get with the times) but I just find it easier to write things down and see the whole week/month in front of me. I write everything down, even if its something obvious like when my Uni lecture is, I still write it down just so you can see how busy you are that week and when there is time to fit other things in.

4)    Night-before planning

I also think it’s a good idea to plan for the day the night before, from something as little as setting your alarm so your up in time, to planning your outfit so your not rushing around looking for something to wear. Planning your lunch, and organising your bag the night before will just make the morning run smoother, meaning you’ll leave the house feeling fresher, calmer and ready for the day, iIt also means you can afford to have an extra 10 minutes in bed)!

5)    Bag necessities

For me, it is important to have a big bag with enough room for everything I need for the day. I often have to take my laptop out with me so my bag has to be big to fit this in along with my notebooks, water, lunch, chargers etc etc. I also keep lots of other things in my bag such as; paracetamol, nail files, tissues, hair brush, make-up, perfume, chewing gum – little things which could come in handy throughout the day!

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